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- "*BRILLIANT!*" - Amanda
- "*I* haven't lived four hundred years..." - Richie Ryan
- "A day without dragons is...MUCH SAFER!"
- "A dream to some... A nightmare to others!" -- Merlin
- "A hundred years of forgetting and it all comes rushing back..."
- "A man must know his limitations if he wants to survive." - Hamza
- "A man's got to live." - St. Cloud "Not necessarily." - MacLeod
- "A part of me knew when I first saw you" - Tessa Noelle
- "A simple `no' would have worked..." - Richie Ryan
- "A subtle dragon stings us in the midst of plenty."
- "A sword, Frank... a very *rare* sword..." - Brenda Wyatt
- "AAAhhhhhhhh! The flying elves are BACK!!!!!!!"
- "Afterwards, the only ones looking happy were the lions..."
- "Age before beauty..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "All fantasy should have a solid base in reality." - Sir Max Beerbohm
- "All I ever wanted was to have what other people have." - Keogh
- "All I know is I gotta help her, Mac..." - Richie Ryan
- "All in a good cause..." - Kalas
- "All that fussing over a little arrow..." - Amanda
- "All you have to do is live long enough." - Duncan MacLeod
- "Always where you never expect it. Always." -- Merlin
- "Am I seeing things or is that a dragon?" -- Skid Mark
- "And every cloud has a silver lining..." - Methos
- "And if anyone asks, I never gave that to you." - Adrian Paul
- "And so with vorpal sword in hand..."
- "And the mage draws her two handed sword." We're in trouble.
- "And then you turn the corner," as the DM chuckles -
- "And you should have been more careful shaving!" - Amanda
- "Another time, MacCleod." - The Kurgan
- "Any antique dealer on Hudson street can tell you that."
- "Are we friends? Then don't insult our friendship." - Maurice
- "Are you dead inside, McLeod?" - Annie Devlin
- "Are you just walking... or hunting?" - Duncan MacLeod
- "Are you looking for an excuse to stop her, or an excuse not to?"
- "At last... the Gathering!" - The Kurgan
- "At least it's got that `lived-in' look..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "Believe me, this will hurt you more than it hurts me." - Duncan
- "Beware of wake turbulence behind departing turtle . . !"
- "Born to be Kings! We're the Princes of the Universe!"
- "Boys will be boys..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "Brandy, bottled in 1783... 1783 was a very good year." - Connor
- "Brilliant..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "But he's one of the good-guys, right?" - Richie Ryan
- "Can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand?"
- "Can you walk?" "I'll bloody well walk out of here!"
- "Chess is an ancient game, played by warriors." - Duncan MacLeod
- "Couldn't you hang me instead?" - Duncan
- "Crude and slow, Clansman." - Ramirez
- "Culture? What culture? It's an old boat!" - Richie Ryan
- "Did she seem like the sincere type?" - Richie Ryan
- "Did you take a good look at his soul?" - Duncan MacLeod
- "Didn't you just feel like smacking the little runt?" - Annie Ross
- "Different strokes for different folks." - Xavier St. Cloud
- "Ding dong, the Lich is dead." "Of COURSE it's DEAD!"
- "Do Immortals get sick?" - Richie Ryan
- "Do you hear it, Kalas? The fat lady is singing..." - MacLeod
- "Do you know anything about an Immortal named Quinten Barnes?"
- "Do you know how close you came to losing your head?" - MacLeod
- "Do you suck blood?" "I got a straw right here pal!"
- "Do you think there's such a thing as fate?" - Tessa Noelle
- "Does Rome still rule the world?" - Nefertiri
- "Don't tempt me!" - Amanda
- "Donut?" - Richie Ryan
- "Down through the centuries we come..." - ramirez
- "Eternal peace. I hope she finds it." - Michael Moore
- "Everybody comes to Joe's..." - Joe Dawson
- "Everyone feel better now?" - Methos
- "Everyone here who's Immortal, raise your hand..." - Richie Ryan
- "Everyone's a critic." - Nicholas Ward
- "Find yourself another city!" - Carl Robinson
- "Finish it!" - Slann Quince
- "For centuries he has battled the forces of darkness..."
- "For some white cops, it's always open season." - Carl Robinson
- "Forgive me, father. I am a worm." - The Kurgan
- "From the Dawn of Time we came..." - Ramirez
- "From the top..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "Gee Mr. Peabody, should I set the "wayback" machine?"
- "Gee, Mr. Wizard! Aren't nuclear reactors dangerous?"
- "Give the man a cigar..." - Amanda
- "Greetings, Highlander!" - The Kurgan
- "Hah! Still the best on the continent!" - Brian Cullen
- "Happy Halloween, ladies!" - The Kurgan
- "Have it as you will female," gloated the enhanced priest.
- "He didn't save her. He saved you." - Methos
- "He grows on you, Charlie..." "So does cancer."
- "He hunts us, we hunt him." - Joe Dawson
- "He wasn't always like this. It's the drugs." - Duncan MacLeod
- "He's an evil, lying little bastard!" - Richie Ryan
- "He's got quite a temper." "A wicked right cross, too."
- "He's one of the few ancient Immortals still alive." - MacLeod
- "Heh, Heh. What kept you?" - Connor MacLeod
- "Hello, I'm 47-49 on the wandering monster table."
- "Hello, pretty." - The Kurgan
- "Hey Rocky! Watch me pull an android out of my hat!"
- "Hey... it's a kind of magic." - Connor MacLeod
- "Hi Rex! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**"
- "Hi... I'm Candy." "Of course you are."
- "Hold on... I'll be right back" - Richie
- "Holy ground, Highlander!" - The Kurgan
- "Home is where the head is..." - Xavier St. Cloud
- "How can you stand it... not getting older?" - Kenny
- "How did you manage *that*, Connor MacLeod?" - Dougal MacLeod
- "How old *are* you?" - Greta
- "Hows life or death?" - Kalas
- "Humm, anyone got a can opener?" Said the dragon with a palidin.
- "I *am* the law!" - Mako
- "I *do* get pissed when people point guns at me!" - Robinson
- "I ain't ever been to Arizona!" - Carl Robinson
- "I am Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez, and I'm at your service."
- "I am the itch you cannot reach!" - DarkWing Duck
- "I am the one, the only one. I am the God of Kingdom Come!"
- "I am the weed-whacker in the garden of evil!" - DarkWing Duck
- "I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog."
- "I asked what you knew, not what you believed." - MacLeod
- "I can forgive anything but bad taste." - Nicholas Ward
- "I can imagine quite a lot." - Connor MacLeod
- "I can't die, Tessa... not like other people." - Duncan MacLeod
- "I can't help being what I am." - David Conte
- "I could kill you, but I prefer to use you." - Kallas
- "I didn't know you could play.." - Joe "I don't." - Duncan
- "I don't care about justice. Only about the law." - Mako
- "I don't sleep with virgins, and I don't kill children."
- "I feel one of my turns coming on."
- "I get it! He's got his script taped to the floor!" -- Crow T. Robot
- "I get to fight the lion" - Scott of the Antarctic
- "I hate kids..." - Lucas Kagan
- "I have a <*SNORT*> high tolerance level." - Brian Cullen
- "I have an extensive library." - Connor MacLeod
- "I have to call 'em like I see 'em." - Richie Ryan
- "I have to face an Immortal and you tell me to cut and run?"
- "I hear the sound of wings."
- "I knew I should have gone on that date." - Richie Ryan
- "I know his name." - The Kurgan
- "I know what I am and what I have to do." - Annie Devlin
- "I live forever, but I feel so dead inside." - Annie Devlin
- "I pity you." - Darius "Let's not get maudlin." - St. Cloud
- "I protect those around me!" - Duncan Macleod
- "I saw you take one through the pump..." - Charlie DeSalvo
- "I see my cut has improved your voice!" - Ramirez
- "I see you got out of the morgue okay..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "I spoke of unbreakable rules. This is one of them." - MacLeod
- "I'd like to feed your fingertips to the wolverine."
- "I'd rather be eaten by a dragon." "That can be arranged."
- "I'll take my chances." - Richie Ryan
- "I'll tell you what simple is! `Dead' is simple!" - Amanda
- "I'm a friend of his from the old neighborhood." - MacLeod
- "I'm going to kill you. Forever." - Officer Carter
- "I'm human, just like you. But I don't age." - Duncan MacLeod
- "I'm just a regular guy..." - Methos
- "I'm not much of a pigeon-critic, Dawson." - Richie Ryan
- "I'm Quinten Barnes!" - Michael Moore
- "I'm skeptical, man. Not stupid." - Carl Robinson
- "I'm the one who's paranoid, remember?" - Carl Robinson
- "I'm well preserved." - Annie Devlin
- "I've got a sore throat, I can't breathe fire."
- "I... died." - Richie "He's a...?" - Anne "Yeah." - Duncan
- "If I killed somebody, believe me, I'd know!" - Carl Robinson
- "If I'm not a prince, its because I wasn't raised by a king."
- "If it came down to just us, would you take my head?" - MacLeod
- "If your head comes away from your neck, its over." - Ramirez
- "In the end, there can be only one." - Kenny
- "In the end, there can be only one." - Ramirez
- "Is that any way to talk in front of the dead?" - Kalas
- "Is that lemon in your tea?" "No, s'lime."
- "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
- "Is this your idea of `justice'?" - Mako
- "Isn't it great? Reminds me of the old days." - Amanda
- "It all comes down to one thing." - Kenny
- "It is a time for men and their ways." -- Merlin
- "It is the doom of men that they forget." -- Merlin
- "Look at th' bones!" -- Tim the Enchanter
- "Look into the eyes of The Dragon and despair." -- Merlin
- "Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change"
- "Oh Weyr, oh weyr has my little dra gon..."
- "Oh, Bother!" said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
- "OOH! Papa Smurf, NOBODY's ever touched me like THAT before!"
- "Perhaps you lust for what you cannot have." -- Merlin
- "Puff the Magic Dragon" - one of my favorite Warbirds!
- "She said it was okay, but I felt like I just ate my young!"
- "She's coming for you, Richie, and she's only the first!"
- "She's my niece... *Really*." - Maurice
- "Since the dawn of time we have been amongst you..." - Ramirez
- "Since when does a warrior become a murderer." - Duncan MacLeod
- "So much for `Watching'..." - MacLeod
- "So now it ends." - The Kurgan
- "So which is it? Am I dead or am I bait?" - Amanda
- "Some days it all seems so feudal," sighed King Arthur.
- "Some of us get down right inhospitable!" - Mako
- "Some would think this a good time to take my head." - MacLeod
- "Something strange is happening, MacLeod..." - Joe Dawson
- "Sometimes being an Immortal comes in pretty handy!" - Robinson
- "Sorry it worked out this way, MacLeod." - Joe Dawson
- "Sound mind, sound body... you're halfway there." - MacLeod
- "Stay noble, MacLeod... it's what you're good at." - Kalas
- "Straight into the lion's den, eh?" - Joe Dawson
- "Take my hand, brother." - Connor MacLeod
- "Tess, it's some cruel law of nature." - Richie Ryan
- "Tess, you do remember that they all carry *big* swords..."
- "Thanks, Slann. We know the rules." - Connor MacLeod
- "That looks sharp! You wouldn't cut me would you?" - Kearne
- "That really wasn't very nice. Hardly sporting." - Ward
- "That worked..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "The boredom of my life would kill you." - Duncan MacLeod
- "The clumsy one... with the `special' skills..." - MacLeod
- "The Eiffel Tower. The world's biggest lightning rod." - MacLeod
- "The girl came in and he freaked." - Richie Ryan
- "The Kurgan. He is the strongest of the Immortals." - Ramirez
- "The last sound he hears will not be that of a wailing woman!"
- "The next time I see you will be the last." - MacLeod
- "The passion of youth..." - Methos
- "The Pillsbury Doughboy is a albino Smurf!"
- "The sensation you are feeling... is called the Quickening."
- "There are greater gifts than Immortality..." - Kalas
- "There are no rules." - Kalas
- "There are worse things than dying." - Kalas
- "There can be only fun!" - Kurgan the Clown
- "There can be only one!" - Connor MacLeod
- "There can be only one!" - Duncan MacLeod
- "There can be only one!" - The Kurgan
- "There can be only one. It might as well be me." - Kenny
- "There can be only one." - Xavier St. Cloud
- "There is no future. There is no past." - Sara Carter
- "These... Immortals... how many of them are there?" - Clancy
- "They all run away?" "Great, laddy. Stay by me!"
- "This is an execution... I never had a chance..." - Lucas Kagan
- "This is not the kind of guy to wack a kid." - Joe Dawson
- "This isn't about guts. She wants your head!" - Duncan MacLeod
- "This was *never* between us, MacLeod!" - Mako
- "Thought you'd be packed and on a plane to somewhere." - Methos
- "Through the darkness, future passed...."
- "Time is something we don't have..." - Connor MacLeod
- "Tomorrow the world will know about Immortals." - Saltzer
- "Tradition. Sometimes it's all we have." - The Kurgan
- "Twice and twice shall he be marked" - Dragon Prophecy
- "UFO cover-up.......no film at eleven."
- "We are the same, MacLeod! We are brothers!" - Ramirez
- "We can't kill what we can't find." - Joe Dawson
- "We didn't exist until right now..." - Sara Carter
- "We don't get to live happily ever after." - Duncan MacLeod
- "We have a sort of timeshare arrangement..." - Quinten Barnes
- "We make mistakes, we clean 'em up." - Joe Dawson
- "We must fight until one remains." - Ramirez
- "We should stick to watching the birds, MacLeod." - Joe Dawson
- "We were born to be Princes of the Universe!"
- "We'll see how you do." - Duncan MacLeod
- "We're gonn want to ride outta here, Ricky." - Carl Robinson
- "We're immortal, not gods." - Duncan MacLeod
- "We're Immortals! To Hell with the rules!" - Richie Ryan
- "We've lived through witchhunts before... - Amanda
- "Welcome to Paris, MacLeod..." - Hugh FitzCairn
- "Well, I don't have much strength or power." - Felice Martin
- "Well, that was a big one, wasn't it?" - MacLeod
- "Well, well. The vultures are already here." - Quinten Barnes
- "Well, well. What have we here?" - Kallas
- "Well... Life as we know it is over..." - Methos
- "What a dilemma, MacLeod..." - Kallas
- "What a useless scroll. Just says, "HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR"
- "What about a Japanese sword dated 600 BC?" - Brenda Wyatt
- "What details? Black is black!" - Greta
- "What did he mean, `there can be only one'? One what?" - Brenda
- "What do they live on when they can't get hobbit...?"
- "What do you want from us? We're Evil!"
- "What do you want?" "Your head... and The Prize!"
- "What does... incompetent mean? What does... baffled mean?"
- "What have I been busting my butt for?" - Richie Ryan
- "What kept you?" - Connor MacLeod
- "What people are afraid of they destroy. Or use." - MacLeod
- "What were you expecting? A set of instructions?" - MacLeod
- "What?! I thought you said fifTEEN kobolds."
- "Where's that damn dragon?" - Kitty Pryde
- "Who wants to live forever, when love must die?"
- "Why a church?" - Duncan MacLeod.
- "Why are we meeting on holy ground?" - Duncan MacLeod
- "Why count minutes when we have forever?" - Duncan MacLeod
- "Why don't you play with your magic nose goblins?"
- "Why would I tell the truth?" - Methos
- "Will you haunt me forever?" "Not forever..."
- "Yeah, but I figure what the Hell... that's Jersey..."
- "Yeah. Sure." - Richie Ryan
- "You always say it's nothing, but it's always something."
- "You are safe only on Holy Ground." - Ramirez
- "You betrayed the Cause!" - Annie Devlin
- "You better start learning the game, and I mean now!" - MacLeod
- "You can rest assured, I *will* find him..." - Mako
- "You can't protect them, Richie..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You can't trade death for death." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You cannot die, MacLeod. Accept it." - Ramirez
- "You cannot interfere, MacLeod. The battle has been joined!"
- "You come in second to Annie, and you'll die. Forever."
- "You die, Amanda will be free to date..." - Methos
- "You do not know what you have done, but you will." - Kalas
- "You don't change when you're Immortal; you just live longer."
- "You don't want to be the one I am looking for." - Cidwine
- "You get the life you ask for." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You gonna turn off the tape or shoot me with the .45?" - MacLeod
- "You got any good ideas?" "Yeah, one: kill the bastard!"
- "You had to be the hero!" - Richie Ryan
- "You had to see it to believe it was real." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You have a thing about weddings, don't you?" - Annie Ross
- "You have no idea what you are!" - Tarsis
- "You have no knowledge of your true potential." - Ramirez
- "You know, elf tastes just like chicken!"
- "You love me so much you almost killed him!" - Sara Carter
- "You may live a thousand years." "As a ten year old. Perfect."
- "You never told me about that you Spanish peacock." - MacLeod
- "You only have one life; if you value it, go home!" - MacLeod
- "You pretty matter-o-fact about not dyin'." - Carl Robinson
- "You should let her say `yes' first." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You still have lots of time!" - Duncan MacLeod
- "You talk funny, Nash. Where you from?" "Lots of places."
- "You want something interesting?" - Annie Devlin
- "You won't even *think* about lookin' for me!" - Carl Robinson
- "You're an attack was not better than that of a child." - Ramirez
- "You're drunk... and besides, we're in public." - Richie Ryan
- "You're early." - MacLeod "I'm careful." - Kalas
- "You're going to have to do better than that!" - MacLeod
- "You're going to have to finish this alone!" - Michael Moore
- "You're going to kill an innocent man..." - Lucas Kagan
- "You're hit!" - Dawson "I got that part..." - Richie Ryan
- "You're nobody's indentured servant now..." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You're not Superman, Richie." - Duncan MacLeod
- "You're on holy ground. He can't hurt you here." - MacLeod
- "You're one of us now." - Duncan McLeod
- "You've got a lifeline the size of the Mississippi." - Greta
- "You, walking and breathing. And last night all but a corpse."
- "Young men... they think they'll live forever." - Maurice
- "Your friend died on his knees, begging for his life." - Crowley
- "Your point, or are we just strolling down memory lane?" - MacLeod
- 'Dragon Cheese: The Loose Brie Story' -- now at a theater near you!
- *Munchkins* wear Gauntlets of Infinite Ring-Wearing
- -=>> I brake ON Smurfs <<=-
- -=>> My other sentient killing machine is a BOLO <<=-
- A 'Restore' or a high-level cleric we will quest for then.
- A book is the only immortality.
- A cannibal only opens his mouth to change your feet.
- A crucifix? Oy vey, have you got the wrong vampire!
- A dragon form, clashing his scales: at midnight he arose,
- A Dragon with THAC0 -98? It's your turn to go first.
- A fight to the death with a zombie has a few inherent problems.
- A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.
- A grimoire that sticks with you: the Velcronomicon.
- A paladin's worst knightmare: Dragon with a Can opener!!
- A schizophrenic vampire has alot of holes in his neck.
- A TROLL BRIDGE? Oh, I thought you said a TOLL bridge!
- A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
- A unicorn is nothing more, nothing less, than a horny horse.
- Abandon the search for truth, settle for fantasy...
- Abandon the search for truth: settle on a good fantasy.
- According to this table, I have +3 to damage. Does it kill the dragon?
- Ach, twas a wee monster in the lach.
- Across a staid lion for immortal porpoises.
- Agrajag- "You may go after I have killed you."
- Ah Jaquelin ... Will you grab that piece of skull...
- Alex, I'll take "Things only I know" for $200.
- Aliens need groceries too, and that's when we can catch them.
- All I ask is to prove that money can't make me happy.
- All in favor of telekinesis, raise my hands.
- Always call an evil immortal to aid you.
- An Egyptian King passing gas is a toot uncommon.
- an expression of an Aquarian Moon challenging the Saturn-Sun
- Anachronists do it knightly
- And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.
- And now the adventure begins.
- And now... The Larch.
- and that is how we know the Earth is banana-shaped
- And the ancient spell-using red dragon chars @FN@ to a crisp!!!
- and the elf said, "I dunno but it looks like a hamm..." <SPLAT!>
- Any sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic.
- As he turns away, you hear him chanting quietly...then *POOF* you're a frog
- Attack long worms from the rear - that is so much safer.
- Bards are beautiful
- Bear takes over Disneyland in Pooh D'Etat!
- Beware of Bigfoot!
- Beware of Dragons - For you're crunchy and good with ketchup.
- Beware of magicians, they manifest anger in strange ways.
- Beware of the .. Oh, NOOO! Arghhh!
- BIO-GENETIX ENGINEERING LABS: "Playing God so you don't have to."
- Blesss us and splash usss, taglinesss for my preciousss.
- Blind teleport: Rough equivalent of DWI, with allowances for falling.
- Blood is thicker than water, and tastier.
- Borealis Weyr there be dragons.
- Boredom is the curse of immortality. -- Cormac McCardle
- Both of his feet are firmly planted in the air.
- Brainfood? Sure, give me a bit of that cerebrum.
- Burglar needed. All applicants please see Gandalf The Grey.
- By Pendragon's sword the Dark shall fall.
- C:\DAMSEL.EXE crosslinked with DISTRESS.COM: RESCUE- (Y)es, (N)o
- Can you hold off a vampire with a sun lamp?
- Chivalry is alive and well in the SCA
- Cindarella's Godmother was a fairy.
- Dammit, sometimes... I did stay inside the lines...
- Darn wizards anyways!
- Darn, where was the +5 Vorpal sword of dragon slaying.
- Dazzling around thy skirts like a Serpent of precious stones.
- Deliverance is at hand! And the Centipede patiently smiles.
- Demand a 9600 BAUD psychomodem and a telepathic protocol.
- Demons are a ghoul's best friends
- Dentist: a vampire's worst enemy.
- Diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
- Didn't I meet you in some other hallucination??
- Disney girls and fantasy world...
- Do you know anything about an immortal named @TO@?
- Does immortality come with a life time guarantee?
- Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers!
- Don't have more to do with dwarves than you can help.
- Don't look back--I think the lemmings are gaining on us!
- Don't meddle in the affairs of Wizards...
- DON'T YOU WISH: Just once, Silk had said, "I stole it from Polgara."
- Doogie Howser is the Kwizatz Haderach!
- Dracula's last words: NO!! I meant a steak!
- Dragon Highlords do it however they want.
- Dragon poker? But the dragon always wins!
- Dragon slayers wanted. No experience expected.
- Dragon to knight: "Leaving so soon? It's almost lunchtime"....
- Dragon w/ Can opener- A paladin's worst knightmare.
- Dragon, a lizard with indigestion....
- Dragon: A (sometimes!) friendly toaster.
- Dragon? What dragon? You said we were looking for a worm.
- Dragonmen must fly when threads are in the sky.
- Dragonriders are weyr'd!
- Dragons again? I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missile battery.
- Dragons also like lady fingers.
- Dragons are soooooooooo stupid!
- Dragons aren't extinct, they've just learned to hide in books.
- Dragons do it whenever they want.
- Dragons make good Pets. Just get lots of newspaper.
- Dragons rescued, Virgins slain.
- Dragons: Cuddly Flamethrowers
- Dragons: Friendly Toasters
- Dragons: Sometimes friendly toasters!
- Dragonslayer needed. Immediate position available.
- Dream when your asleep. Roleplay when your awake.
- Drinking dwarfs win every contest
- Duct tape is like The Force-it holds the universe together!
- Each of the kobolds has a Wand of Orcus?
- Easy credit terms available. - Satan.
- Eric!!! It's Loot, Pillage and THEN burn....Stupid berserkers....
- ERROR: in REALITY.SYS, <A>lter Reality, <R>un FANTASY.COM intead?
- Ever seen how pale a vampire looks during the day?
- Evil! Pure and simple from the eighth dimension!
- Eye of newt, toe of frog, & a side of fries, Please...
- Fairy tales: horror stories for children to get them use to reality.
- Famous Last Insults: "Hey, Mnementh! Eat me!"
- Famous Last Words #01: Watch me goose that sleeping dragon!
- Famous Last Words #03: Watch me moon that werewolf!
- Famous last words #10: Don't worry, I can handle it.
- Famous Last Words: I am immortal!
- Famous Last Words: "Watch me goose that sleeping dragon."
- Famous Last Words: Dragon, what dragon?
- Fireball, the all purpose spell.
- Follow me to the Current Middle Ages
- For a good knight call Lancelot (1-900-CAMELOT)
- For sale: One soul, slightly used. Asking 3 wishes, negotiable.
- for they are subtle and quick to anger.
- Frankly my dear, I don't give a download! -Rhett Sysop
- Garlic roll, Barnabas? "Garlic? Aieeeee!!"
- Garlic?!? Mama mia! You gotta da wrong vampire!
- Geez! I must be Lawful Good! I believe in the Rules!
- Geez... have you ever seen so many frigging Orcs? Guys? Guys?
- Ghosts are merely unsubstantiated roomers.
- Give a monkey a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the universe.
- Given enough time, even the unlikely happens.
- GM's Motto: Never kill a character without first humiliating him.
- Good die young? I must be immortal.... <<GRIN>>
- Good Intentions Paving Company "We did the road to Hell."
- Good to meet you, Dentartherdent..
- Goodgulf Greyteeth...magician, huckster, and con-man extraordinaire.
- Gort: Klatu Barada Nicto!
- Gosh, I bet that dragon bite really smarts!
- Gotta' get back to Reality...now where is that stupid Blue Dragon.
- Grandma got run over by a dragon.
- Graveyards are full of the indispensable.
- Gravity isn't my fault! I voted for velcro.
- Half-elves unite!
- Happiness is a warm dragon
- Have you hugged your dragon today?
- He who lives by the sword dies by the crossbow bolt
- He's one of the few ancient immortals still alive. -- Duncan MacLeod
- Help me Mr. Wizzard!!!
- Hey Kid! This ain't no library! Beat it!
- Hey, I'll keep a troll toe in my Jar! (Last words)
- Hey.... I don't wanna keep 'em just play with them for a few hours!
- Hobbits network with Tolkien Ring adapters
- Honest, Officer! The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
- Honest, Officer! The elf was under my car tire when I got here!
- Honor those the dragons heed, In thought and favor, word and deed.
- How did BattleMechs get into this dungeon?
- Humph! Bugger off! - Dwarven Proverb.
- I am going to live forever, or die trying!
- I am having a perfect genteel conversation with a walking corpse.
- I am Immortal! I have inside me blood of kings!
- I am immortal, at least till I die.
- I am immortal. Join me or die!
- I am TIM the Enchanter, but you can call me Tim.
- I appoint @FN@ ambassador to Fantasy Island!
- I brake for unicorns...
- I can fill your emptiness with immortality!
- I can hardly wait for immortality to come back in style.
- I don't think Mr. Ranger is going to like this, Yogi.
- I found an immortality spell with a lifetime guarantee!
- I found an immortality spell with a lifetime guaranty!
- I got a Motie in my eye.
- I had my car's alignment checked...it's Chaotic Evil.
- I have a firm grip on reality. Now I can strangle it.
- I have seen the future, it is just an extended present.
- I just escaped the twilight zone and fell into the 0zone.
- I know everything, but I'm sworn to secrecy.
- I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.
- I like the knight life
- I live to chop chicken. - Titanium Elf
- I never heard of a sword of party member slaying.
- I paint what I see. See that dragon over there?
- I played poker w/ tarot cards-got a flush & 5 people died
- I said CLERIC! Not CLERK!
- I said hit *HIM* with the fireball, not me! Damn wizards...
- I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
- I think not, said Descartes; and promptly disappeared.
- I thought the 10 commandments were multiple choice.
- I used to be a sci fi fan. Then I started living it.
- I want to be immortal by not dying -W.Allen
- I'd rather be flogging the peasants...
- I'd rather be riding a dragon.
- I'll become immortal even if it kills me!
- I'm an immortal. Join me or die!
- I'm bored. I'm immortal. Let's party!
- I'm immortal, so far...
- I'm immortal. I'm bored. Let's party.
- I'm not schizophrenic, I'm "multi-faceted!"
- I'm off to see the Wizard, the.....
- I'm SMOKING the Dragon...
- I've never met a leprechaun I didn't like.
- If stupidity had survival value, You would be immortal.
- Immortal's Glee Club: We're immortal and you're not. Ha.
- Immortality consists largely of boredom. -- Zephrem Cochrane
- Immortality--a fate worse than death.
- Immortals DO IT longer.
- It seems I am still immortalized many times <g>
- Just how many 30th-level evil wizards are there in this village?
- LAK?! What kind of name is Lak?! oh..Lak the WIZARD!..nice name!
- More hit points than you can possibly imagine.
- National DMs Association: Monsters don't kill, we do.
- Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy and go well with brie...
- Never anger a dragon. You are crunchy and go well with brie.
- Never argue with a Scorpio - it's frustrating and you'll lose, anyway.
- Never extend credit to a dragon.
- Never invite a vampire in for a bite.
- Never mess with a Wizard!
- Never moon a werewolf.
- Never stand near a sneezing dragon.
- Never throw a bird at a dragon.
- Never, ever, pinch a sorceress on the butt. <ribbit>
- Never, never, NEVER moon a werewolf!
- Next up: Tossing @FN@ For Fun & Profit.
- No longer a Ghost!
- NO! NO! NO! I said raise dead >not< animate dead!!
- Nobody expects the ... Oh Bugger!
- None of you exist; my sysop types all this in.
- OH NO, my wife burned the rice crispies--AGAIN!!
- Oh that? I was playing leap frog with a unicorn.
- Oh you cursed brat, look what you've done! I'm MELTING!!
- Oh, him? He was playing leap frog with a unicorn.
- Old Celts never die, they just have harp failure.
- Old immortals never die. They just... don't.
- On a dark summer's night, would you offer your throat to the wolf...
- Once A Knight Is Never Enough
- One ring to rule them all and in the darkness...
- One ring to rule them all...
- One tagline to rule them all, & in the darkness bind them.
- Oops, gotta go feed the dragon.
- Or did I dream this on rotten mushrooms one summer night?
- Our apologies, but reality is not in service at this time.
- Oxymoron: Real Fantasy.
- Paladins is *sooooo* stupid! - many games, many times.
- Pardon me, please. I just regained consciousness....
- Parking: Wizards only! Violators will be toad!
- Pegasus : Horny and Hung Like a Horse.
- People from Atlantis are all wet!
- PERSEPHONE (Per-SEH-fun-ee) n: Greek goddess of bills
- ping.....ping.....ping.....BURP! Six pack detected - and terminated!
- Please, Mr. Wizard! Which way is the Byteroom?
- Posessor of a mind not just twisted but actually sprained.
- Preserve wildlife... pickle a sqirrel.
- Psychic Con: You know where and when.
- Psychic Convention cancelled due to unforeseen problems.
- Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots.
- Purple people eater: Hefty,Hefty,Hefty. Barney: Wimpy,Wimpy,Wimpy
- Push your mind to the limit and expand your fantasy!
- Quick, pick a color from 1 to 10.
- Radar? For a Dragon? Why?
- Rainbow Surfin...on the Rainbow Connection!!!
- Reality is a part of fantasy, only more so.
- Reality is blinking again...call for repairs.
- Reality is for people with no grasp of fantasy.
- Reality is for those people who have too tight a grip for fantasy.
- Reality is. Fantasy is what we want reality to be.
- Reality-ometer: [E\....F] Just as I suspected!
- Reality: A fantasy that went dreadfully wrong.
- Reality=ugly; Imagination=shiny; Fantasy=friendly.
- Red meat isn't bad for you. Fuzzy blue green meat, that's bad for you.
- Remember the immortal words of Socrates: I drank what?
- Sally Struthers is the ANTI-CHRIST!!! She MUST be killed!
- Santa's elves are just a bunch of subordinate Clauses.
- SCA...A dream for some, a KNIGHTmare for others...
- Schizophrenic vampires have lots of holes in their necks.
- Scotch for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Lestat here.
- Send more tourists..... the last ones were delicious!
- SF=Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Serious Fantasy
- Sherman, set the Way-Back Machine for 1492.
- Sign at Wizard's Guild: Violators will be toad.
- Sign on a fortune-teller's door: Medium prices.
- Silly Boy, You NEVER invite a vampire into your home!
- Sir Lancelot, you have chain mail in Knight's Conference.
- Sit down and patch my bones
- Slaying foul maidens and rescuing fair dragons!
- Smurfs? Please tell me I'm in the wrong conference!
- So I said to my wife, "Don't be a fool! We'll take the million!!!"
- So long, and thank's for all the fish.
- So tell me, did a moose ever bite yer sister?
- Some nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
- Sometimes being an Immortal comes in pretty handy! -- Carl Robinson
- Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe.
- Speak softly and carry a two-handed sword.
- Speed of Lightning, Power of Thunder.....UNDERDOG!!!!
- Staring into the jaws of the Dragon one quickly learns wisdom...
- Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! - V. Dracula
- Suicidal twin kills brother by mistake.
- Swords to Ploughs? Wouldn't they be small?
- Take the prisoner to the dungeon he said condescendingly.
- Taking up collection to give Barney a one way ticket to Jurassic Park!
- Teenage Mutant Ninja *WHAT*????
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Haggis!!
- Teleportation affects your orientation.
- Thanks. I always thought having two arms wasn't challenging enough.
- That's okay. The spikes broke his fall.
- The beauty of a pun is in the Oy! of the beholder.
- The best knife is the unseen one. - Drow Proverb
- The best way to achieve immortality is by not dying.
- The brim of my hat hides the eyes of a beast.
- The carriage held but just ourselves - and immortality.
- The Dead Shall Walk the Earth and Dine on Flesh
- The feeling you are experiencing is called the Quickening...
- The first stage of immortality is being remembered.
- The human race is still in beta test.
- The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon.
- The Next Skull On The Necklace Is Mine
- The Road goes ever on and on...
- The sacred cows have come home to roost with a vengeance.
- The secret to immortality is %^^^@### NO CARRIER
- The Wizard rules, OZ!
- There are so dragons, here we call 'em gators
- There's a Yankee in my closet - will trade for skeleton.
- There's more to life than RPG's, but not much.
- There's no such thing as gravity. The Earth sucks.
- These Knights aren't bad after you get the hard shell off.
- They can have my broadsword when they pry it from my cold dead fingers
- They can't fire me, Slaves have to be sold!!!
- They chipped off Tammy Faye's makeup and found Jimmy Hoffa!
- They cured my MPD. Where am I, now, when I need me?
- They don't call it Fight-O-Net (tm) for nothing!
- They got the library at Alexandria. They're not getting mine!
- This building is so high, the elevator shows movies.
- This isn't reality... this is fantasy! Uhura
- This Reality is Null and Void.
- This sounds sinister and illegal. Tell me more!
- Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!
- Tinker gnomes invented Uzis?
- To make a speech immortal you don't have to make it everlasting.
- to say NOTHING about Sun Ra & his Solar Astro-Infinity Arkestra!
- Tomorrow is another day, but it'll suck too.
- Took the mage's brain? Stupid orcs, just get the spellbook!
- Transillvania Morgue: You brain em', we'll drain em'
- Travelling this spring? Visit Pern in between
- Troll Appreciation Society, join today!!
- Truck pulls: for people that can't understand wrestling
- Trust the stunt man, Luke.
- Try Dragon's Egg Mead.
- Two guys walk into a bar... *clang* *clang* "OOF!" "OW!" -SLR
- Two lives left. I think I'll save one for next Christmas.
- Two Minds But with a Single memory! Max Headroom
- UNCH Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Lestat here
- Undercover Angel, midnight fantasy.
- Unicorns aren't mythical - virgins are!
- Unknown to the Wicked Witch, the squirt gun was loaded.
- VAMPIRE BITES CHRIST. Ponder the ramifications.
- Vampires do it aaaaalllllll nniiiiiight lllllooooooonnnnnggggg!
- Vampires do it allllll niiiiight looooong!
- Vampires do it in the dead of night.
- Vampires don't attack Lawyers. Professional courtesy.
- Vampires fighting over a bloody tampon.
- Vampires: If you hung upside down all day wouldn't you bite someone?
- Vampyrex the unburnable.
- Vegetarians eat vegetables; I'm a humanitarian!
- Wait a second. Does that dragon have a tag that says "MC"?
- WALT DISNEY didn't die, he's in suspended animation
- Want a hickie <sp> ? -Young Dracula
- Warlocks make it with magick!
- Warning! This vehicle is protected by attack faeries!
- WARNING: I am carrying a concealed broadsword.
- Was Sigmund Freud the Wizard of Id?
- Watch out for that cliff, Conan #$*&(^NO BARBARIAN
- Watch the Smurfs. Root for Gargamel.
- We are immortal, at least until we die.
- We are immortal, but only for a very limited time.
- We are only immortal for a limited time. . . --RUSH
- We have no crime after dark. 'SWAT Team?' Vampires.
- We really didn't need a Cleric anyway. (Famous Last Words)
- We're immortal. Join us or die.
- We're off to see the wizard, he's sure to have an answer.
- We're only immortal - for a limited time.
- We're only immortal--for a limited time. -- Neil Peart
- We've come a long way in five thousand years.
- Weird' is a relative term - Frank N. Furter
- Well, don't look at ME. Ask the troll.
- Weyrling Training Rule #2: Learn to hide...QUICKLY!
- What do you mean I hit with negative damage?
- What foods these mortals be - Smaug
- What has reality ever done for ME??
- What has reality ever done for ME?? It made misery real!
- What UNIVERSE is this, please??
- What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn?
- What's in this potion? I just run my Spell Checker...
- When facts meet the legend, go with the legend.
- When is the last time the Haggis Fairy visited you?
- Where's the necromancer? We need horses for the cart.
- Which way to Castle Anthrax??...
- While hermits have no pier pressure; Trolls do!
- Who's the Round Table's roundest knight? Sir Cumference.
- Why are elves chaotic? Brownian motion.
- Why ask me? I'm just visiting reality.
- Why should I have to pay a troll just to cross a bridge? B.G. Gruff
- Will you cater to every fantasy I've got?
- With so many disease, its not safe for a vampire to bite anymore.
- Without Time Everything Would Happen At Once!
- Wizard's Guild Parking Only - Violators Will Be Toad.
- Wizard's parking only. Violators will be toad.
- Wizards do it with crystal balls
- Wizards do it with magic wands
- Wizards do it with magic!
- World Ends at 3pm; Film at 5 on WLKY Early News....
- World to end at 5:00pm. See it on the 11:00pm news.
- World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
- Yeah, I'm weird, but I'm saving up to be eccentric.
- Yes, but you're taking the universe out of context.
- Yes, in scene 4 we vaporize the actor and ...
- Yes, that is the rare Aluminum Foil Dragon.
- Yethth Mathter,... Anything you thay Mathter
- Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. - L. Long
- You are in a maze of twisty little passages.
- You are not ready for immortality. -- Kosh
- You bash the Balrog, while I climb the tree...
- You can have my sword when you pry it from my dead hands!
- You can pick your friends, but you can't roll them into green balls.
- You can tell fantasy from reality -- if it sucks it's real!
- You Can Wish for a Dragon, But you Can't Make Him Obey
- You can't drown, you fool...you're immortal! - Highlander
- You can't soar with dragons if you work with gargoyles.
- You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.
- You have entered a dark place ...
- You're not an Immortal! Give that man a cigar!
- Your fighter doesn't get bonuses because he drinks coffee.
- Yur'assic Park: Where you butt is on the line daily